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There are many hormones in your body that can control many of the processes in your body. They are like an ‘orchestra’ that play together to bring health and harmony to your body. However, our lives are full of reasons that the ‘orchestra’ may be out of tune? Do you think that may be the case in your life?

How Many Hormones Can I Test For?

There are quite a few, however, there are some main ‘players’ that can be out of balance and they are tested for more commonly. Below are a few of these. See if any of the reasons to run these tests apply to your health?   

How Do I Test My Estrogen / Progesterone / Testosterone Levels?

A dried urine test for comprehensive hormones (DUTCH) test provides the most comprehensive look at estrogen, progesterone and testosterone, to identify symptoms of hormonal imbalances.

What Else is Done in a DUTCH Test?

There are other DUTCH markers available in the test as well. This can help uncover added information about your mood, sleep, and various stressors in the body that can cause dysfunction and symptoms. These are: markers that measure the oxidative stress and glutathione in the body (inflammatory conditions) / Melatonin hormone levels ( sleep concerns) / Markers assessing levels of vitamin B12 and vitamin B6 (metabolic conditions) / Neurotransmitter levels are also assessed – serotonin/dopamine/norepinephrine/epinephrine (mood concerns).

How Do I Collect for a DUTCH Test?

Samples are easily collected in the comfort of your own home and then sent for collection and analysis to the laboratory in the U.S. This comprehensive testing is a game-changer when addressing hormonal imbalances, fatigue, stress levels and adrenal health issues, hormonal detoxification pathways, and oxidative stress that can lead to ill-health and neurotransmitter imbalances and mood issues.

2: 16 Urinary Metabolite Test

This test looks at the way you metabolise and excrete the estrogen from your body. This test is also done within the DUTCH test and shows oestrogen metabolism in both men and women. This may be of great importance in determining anyone at greater risk of hormone imbalance. High levels of circulating oestrogens can be ‘disruptive’ and potentially concerning, so it is important to know that they are broken down efficiently and effectively removed from the body.

How Well Do You Sleep?

If the answer is – With Difficulty, then you may want to test for your melatonin levels?
Melatonin is predominantly delivered by the pineal gland in the brain to start off the ‘sleep cascade’ that can help you get a good night’s sleep. It is secreted in a definite circadian rhythm – stimulated by dark, inhibited by light (day/night).

  • Your circadian rhythm is influenced by day length or unnatural light (computers and phones too).
  • Melatonin declines with age and low levels may result in sleep disturbances such as insomnia, poor immune function, depression, and other mood disorders.
  • Due to its circadian rhythm, melatonin is collected at midnight in the dark and again on rising.

I Think My Thyroid is out of Balance?

You may be right. Often the thyroid can be affected by the daily stressors in your life. Disorders of the thyroid are often the most common hormonal dysregulation that is seen, particularly in women. Your thyroid function decreases with age and under-active thyroid/hypothyroidism is most common in menopausal and post-menopausal women.

Thyroid Symptoms

  • Symptoms of an underactive thyroid include dry and coarse skin, weakness and lethargy, constipation, weight gain, slow pulse, heavy and irregular periods and depression.
  • Symptoms of overactive thyroid or hyperthyroidism (thyrotoxicosis) include fast metabolic rate, rapid heartbeat, nervousness and palpitations, weight loss despite increased appetite and frequent bowel movements

How Can I Test My Thyroid?

A Thyroid Hormone Profile is a blood test that measures different thyroid hormones such as –  Thyroid Stimulating Hormone (TSH), T4, T3, Reverse T3 (rT3) as well as thyroid antibodies –  Thyroid Peroxidase (TPO), Thyroglobulin Antibodies (TgAb) and TSH  Receptor Antibodies (TRAb’s).

Make A Move Today

If you are concerned about any of the hormonal imbalances that may be playing a role in your health issues, then one of these tests may be right for your right now? It can be run, and the results can be considered within a Nutritional or Naturopathic appointment. 

For a consultation book an appointment today with Sue in Neutral Bay or via Telehealth soon. Booking is available online through the website.

For a consultation on your health issues, please book online or call for an appointment